Static Stiffness Parametric Studies of Newly Conceptualized Inter Shaft Squeeze Film Damper (ISSFD) Rings




Most of the modern gas turbine engine designs requiring super critical operations will often have squeeze film dampers (SFDs) on the high pressure spool bearing as an inevitable feature. However, Squeeze Film Dampers are not very common for inter-shaft bearing applications and are still in the research and development stage. The current effort concentrates on static stiffness parametric studies based on newly conceptualized intershaft squeeze film damper (ISSFD) ring design suitable for space constrained intershaft bearing application of a typical two spool configured system. The work involves static stiffness evaluation of three and four grooves ISSFD rings by varying the groove angle/groove length/subtended angle of groove & hence the overlapping angle of grooves by conducting static tests on a dedicated static stiffness evaluation test rig designed and fabricated for the purpose. The pattern of circumferential variation of stiffness of each ring is studied and the results revealed a typical trend of decreasing stiffness in ISSFD ring with the increase in groove angle and hence the overlapping angle of grooves. The static stiffness parametric studies has resulted in developing an ideal profile of ISSFD ring having six grooves that exhibited axisymmetric pattern of circumferential variation of stiffness. When used in a space constrained intershaft bearing plane of a typical two spool gas turbine engine, the ideal ISSFD ring profile would exhibit the best damping performance.

 Keywords: Inter Shaft Squeeze Film Damper (ISSFD), Gas Turbine Engine, Static stiffness, two spools, grooves.

Author Biographies

GIRIDHARA G GAIKWAD, B.M.S. College of Engineering

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering.

ARUNKUMAR V, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering.



How to Cite

HIRENALLUR, S. M., GAIKWAD, G. G., & V, A. (2019). Static Stiffness Parametric Studies of Newly Conceptualized Inter Shaft Squeeze Film Damper (ISSFD) Rings. International Journal of Engineering Materials and Manufacture, 4(2), 77–84.


