About the Journal
Aims and Scope
The International Journal of Engineering Materials and Manufacture bridges the gap between material engineering and manufacturing processes and systems. As an open access journal, it aims to provide free and fast access to top-quality papers for everyone from anywhere.
All aspects of engineering materials and manufacture with emphasis on development, analysis, modelling, and testing of engineering materials; tribological behaviour of materials, civil engineering and construction materials, traditional, advanced, micro/nano machining and manufacture; environmental and sustainable manufacture; additive manufacturing, aerospace and automobile manufacture; Precision engineering, measurement and metrology; electronic and semiconductor manufacturing, semiconductor devices and applications; waste materials and environment; manufacturing planning, optimization and simulation; industrial engineering; engineering entrepreneurship.
Abstracted and/or Indexed
The International Journal of Engineering Materials and Manufacture has started its journey in 2016 and publishing articles regularly in four issues every year. So far this journal is indexed by Crossref, DOAJ, EuroPub, Google Scholar, MYCITE, Publons, Research Gate, ROAD, and SCIMATIC.
Peer Review Process
Submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by one of the Editors. If the manuscript is found to be suitable, it will be sent to two experts for single blind peer review.
Publication Frequency
The journal is publishing four issues in a year. However, individual items will be published as soon as they are ready, by adding them to the “Future Issue” for faster dissemination of the articles. Later on, articles will be organized in four issues in a year (January, April, July, and October).
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology is the sponsor of this journal to support the open access to knowledge for the rapid advancement of engineering and technology.
Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Journal History
Specifically, the journal serves to disseminate to the public results of current and on-going works in various areas of materials and manufacturing engineering. IJEMM has taken its initiative in January 2016 to setup editorial board and then published its first inaugural edition in July 2016, and second issue in December 2016. From 2017 onward, IJEMM is publishing four issues in a year. Deer Hill Publications is selected to publish this journal on PKP open access platform.